CA2024 - Uncomputable

CA2024 - Uncomputable

‘Ask cryptographers about the "uncomputable" and they will respond: how much computing power do you have at your disposal? Can you afford to crunch the numbers until the sun burns out?’ - Alexander Galloway.

UNCOMPUTABLE is an experimental project probing computational limits that intersect art, technology, ecology, and justice. The project incorporates:

  • the creation of artworks, including installations, sound artworks, videos, experimental interfaces, and instruments.
  • the staging of performances, workshops and other pedagogical programs
  • the curation and production of events, performances and talks
  • writing, publishing and sharing of resources

CREATIVE AUSTRALIA funding will support the performance program, commissioning works by artists, musicians, and researchers.

Support/Confirmation Letters

RMIT Culture LoS/Confirmation89.9KB
Max Delany / ACCA LoS111.8KB
Seb Chan / ACMI LoS99.7KB
Larissa Hjorth LoS.pdf21.4KB
Artist Confirmations.pdf430.9KB

Creative Support Material

Examples of prior curatorial projects by Joel Stern and collaborators (follow links)

Eavesdropping (2018-19)

Ventriloquy (2019)

Machine Listening (2020-ongoing)

Work by UNCOMPUTABLE performing artists

  • Anna Vasof is a Greek-Austrian architect, media, and time-based artist whose works explore the poetic mechanics of automation, vision, objects and space, in order to render the familiar world paradoxical and strange again.
Anna Vasof, Moving the Audience (2022)
  • Mochu is an Indian artist working with video and text arranged as installations, lectures and publications to explore ideas around anxiety, futurity, and weird selfhoods, cyberpunk nostalgia, corporate horror, mad geologies and psychedelic subcultures.
  • Roslyn Orlando is a multidisciplinary artist working across live performance, video, text and experimental music. Her work explores the ways in which new technologies produce language, communication and meaning.
Simulation, presented at Machine Listening: Unnatural Language Processing (2021)
  • Monica Lim is a Malaysian-born Australian sound artist whose work spans installations, performance art, contemporary dance and screen.
Automoton, presented at Logical Conclusions / Automation Effects (2022)
  • Catherine Ryan uses performance, sound, text, video and installationto prompt questions and debate about the present social order - particularly about gaps and silences in public discourse where urgent social issues are not confronted, or where the collective political imaginary has proven inadequate to the challenges of the present.
Krell and the Destruction of Worlds, presented by MESS/Liquid Architecture, 2022
  • Established in 2020 by Sean Dockray, James Parker, and Joel Stern, Machine Listening is a platform for collaborative research and artistic experimentation, focused on the political and aesthetic dimensions of the computation of sound and speech