PeoplePeopleCurriculumCurriculumWorksWorksPerformancesPerformancesEnvelope FollowerNovember 14, 2024Machine Listening Songbook: 5-XAugust 31, 2024Machine listening songbook: dada/dataOctober 5, 2023 → October 8, 2023Stenographer’s memorialI am sitting in a courtroomJuly 15, 2017s2tSeptember 24, 2015CurationCurationList3 viewsListTableTablePlanetary Auditions RMIT Design HubData Relations Summer SchoolACCAADM+SListening to MisrecognitionUnsoundEp 5: Unnatural Language Processing UnsoundEp 4: Improvisation and ControlCCA NTUUnsoundEp 3: Listening with the pandemicUnsoundEp 2: Lessons in how (not) to be heard UnsoundEp 1: (Against) the coming world of listening machinesUnsoundEavesdroppingIan Potter Museum of ArtCity Gallery WellingtonSoftwareSoftwareAssisted listenerWord processor v2Word Processor v12021 - ongoingListening to the diagnostic earTextsTextsImprovisation and control (essay, 2021)Listening with the pandemic (essay, 2020)Lessons in how (not) to be heard (essay, 2020)(Against) the coming world of listening machines (essay, 2020)InterviewsInterviewsMax Ritts transcriptSantiago Rentiera transcriptBeth Semel transcriptGuillaume Heuguet transcriptAudrey Amsellem transcriptBernard Mont Reynaud transcriptEventsEventsEgocentric Perception WorkshopUnsound residencyEryk Salvaggio: Gaussian PopData audit workshopNow or Never support materialsClone MetamorphosisEnvironments 12CV2024 - UncomputableCA2024 - Uncomputable